- an [[article]]. - #pull [[how can we develop transformative tools for thought?]] - by [[andy mathuschak]] and [[michael nielsen]] - #go https://numinous.productions/ttft - [[references]] - [[alan kay]] #1989 - [[douglas engelbart]] #1962 - [[vannevar bush]] - [[seymour papert]] - [[ivan sutherland]] - on the term [[tools for thought]] - [[kenneth iverson]] introduced the term [[tools for thought]] in [[notation as a tool of thought]] regarding [[APL]] - but (this is me): - … except he didn't maybe? :) he uses [[tool of thought]] instead, consistently. - The syntagm "for thought" doesn't appear even once in the paper. - "of thought" seems to give thought *agency* in a way that is interesting? instead of sounding like the product of the tool. - They prefer [[medium for thought]] sometimes though, like to keep their options open. Makes sense. - [[memory systems]] - [[mnemonic medium]] - example: [[quantum country]]